Team Day One

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As most of you know, we've been trying to become dads via surrogacy for the past year and half. Today we are closer than ever to making this a reality. We have signed with a surrogacy agency, which puts us on a timeline of 12 to 18 months before we have a baby! You can read more about this in our blog post "Contracts and Agreements". This is a dream come true, but in order for us to have a successful surrogacy journey, we are going to need your help.

Over the last year, we have put in a ton of effort and research:

  • We shared our story publicly and were able to raise awareness and support from folks all around the world.
  • We made budget adjustments that allowed us to personally save twice as much as we did in 2014.
  • We applied for and received a significant grant from the nonprofit Men Having Babies.
  • We have secured loans from friends and family that will allow us to move forward.

With the help of Men Having Babies, we have also negotiated discounts and pro bono services that have cut our total costs by over 40%. We are so close and we need your support to push us over the finish line.

There are a lot of people who will be a part of our journey to fatherhood—doctors, nurses, case managers, and lawyers. And you are a part of our journey too. 

We need your help in raising $10,000 in order to pay for the remaining portion of our journey. 

Your contribution will go towards the legal and administrative fees associated with having a baby through surrogacy. 

A big strategy recommended by fundraising experts is to get the largest number of donations on the day you launch. Many crowdfunding sites use early traffic and donation rate as indicators of which campaigns to feature. If all of our previous supporters make a contribution on day one, this will help to bump the visibility of our campaign and ensure that we are successful.

Today is the most crucial day in our campaign! We need to get as many contributions as we can today. Many crowdfunding platforms use early traffic and donation rate as indicators of which campaigns to feature. Click here to make your donation today. Every contribution, no matter the size, will help us on our journey to parenthood.

Check out our new video below where we talk about memories from our wedding day and how close we are to growing our family!